Reasons why emulsified asphalt has sedimentation and oil slicks
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Reasons why emulsified asphalt has sedimentation and oil slicks
Release Time:2023-12-05
The emulsified asphalt produced by asphalt mixing equipment is very versatile, but precipitation occurs during storage. Is this normal? What causes this phenomenon?
In fact, it is very normal for asphalt to precipitate during its existence, and it is not treated as long as the requirements are met. However, if it does not meet the usage requirements, it can be treated by methods such as oil-water separation. The reason why asphalt precipitates is because the density of water is relatively small, causing stratification.
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The reason why there is an oil slick on the asphalt surface is because there are many bubbles produced during the emulsification process. After the bubbles burst, they remain on the surface, forming an oil slick. If the surface of the floating oil is not very thick, stir it before use to dissolve it. If it is later, you need to add a suitable defoaming agent or stir slowly to eliminate it.