What are the main experimental methods for bitumen decanter plant?
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What are the main experimental methods for bitumen decanter plant?
Release Time:2024-03-13
Bitumen decanter plant needs to undergo certain tests. What are the key points of its test methods? I don’t know how much you actually know. We need to understand the basic information before using it. Now we will give you a detailed description:
The bitumen specimen is heated and filtered, and a specified proportion of anti-flaking agent is added, and mixed by hand or with a stirring device to make the anti-flaking agent evenly dispersed in the bitumen specimen; a plastic film heating test is carried out on the specimen for heating For aging, use water step or water boiling method to test the adhesion of bitumen and crude asphalt mixture;
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When necessary, we can use asphalt mixtures that have not been heated and aged with plastic films to conduct adhesion tests, or we can use cement concrete that has not been aged to conduct horizontal stability tests to determine the heat resistance of the anti-stripping agent. than long-term application effect.
Carry out accelerated aging treatment for hot mix asphalt mixtures using anti-stripping agents; conduct water immersion Marshall tests and impulsive crusher tests of the mixtures to evaluate the horizontal stability of the asphalt mixtures.
The main test method of bitumen decanter plant is this. We must carry out effective operations according to the instructions, so as to fully demonstrate its characteristics. A large number of high-tech technologies related to bitumen decanter plants will be sorted out for you again. Warmly welcome to view now.