Sinoroader participated in the first Alumni Industry Expo of Chang'an University
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Sinoroader participated in the first Alumni Industry Expo of Chang'an University
Release Time:2021-04-19
Xuchang Sinoroader was invited to participate in the first Alumni Industry Expo of Chang'an University.
Chang'an University took the 70th anniversary of the founding of the university as an opportunity to host the first Alumni Industry Expo. As an outstanding alumni company growing up,  Xuchang Sinoroader participated in this celebration.
Sinoroader participated in the first Alumni Industry Expo of Changan University_1
In recent years, Xuchang Sinoroader adheres to the innovative concept of "production, study, research and application", and has established a close technical cooperation relationship with Chang'an University, making full use of the human resources of universities and colleges and advanced and mature technological achievements, and combining the production conditions of the enterprise. Transform scientific research results into productivity as soon as possible, and form a virtuous circle of mutual promotion and common development of professions and industries.