Sinoroader continuous asphalt station officially landed in Malaysia
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Sinoroader continuous asphalt station officially landed in Malaysia
Release Time:2023-08-24
Recently, a set of Sinoroader continuous asphalt mixing plant has been successfully installed and commissioned, and officially settled in Malaysia. This continuous asphalt plant equipment will serve the road construction projects in Pahang and surrounding areas.

This equipment was purchased by Malaysian investment holding company with several business subsidiaries in Pahang and Kelantan. The customer has rich experience in asphalt material production, road construction, road laying, special structure pavement, construction transportation, bitumen emulsion plant, logistics supply of roads and building materials, etc., and currently has dozens of asphalt mixing plants.
continuous mix asphalt plant
As an important fulcrum country of the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road", Malaysia has an unprecedented demand for infrastructure construction, and its large market demand has attracted many construction machinery manufacturers to expand their territories.

This set of continuous asphalt mixing plant installed in Malaysia, from structural point of view, the continuous mixing drum is only used for drying, so in order to ensure the temperature of the aggregate outlet, it is installed in a counter flow way; The material is mixed in a forced stirring pot, and then the finished asphalt mixtures are produced.
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continuous mix asphalt plant is the type of asphalt mixture mass production equipment, which are all widely used in construction engineering, such as harbor, wharf, highway, railway, airport, and bridge building, etc. Because of its large output, simple structure and low investment, it has been widely praised by the market