How to save energy consumption in asphalt mixing plants in terms of raw materials?
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How to save energy consumption in asphalt mixing plants in terms of raw materials?
Release Time:2024-05-29
The operating status of the asphalt mixing plant is related to many aspects. In order to save the energy consumption of the asphalt mixing plant, workers should find effective solutions from the problems encountered in actual work.
First, adjust the moisture content and size of the stones in the asphalt mixing station.
How to save energy consumption in asphalt mixing plants in terms of raw materials_1How to save energy consumption in asphalt mixing plants in terms of raw materials_2
In the operation of asphalt mixing stations, a lot of fuel needs to be consumed, and the moisture content in the geotextile raw materials will be related to the efficiency of resource utilization. According to statistics, every time the moisture content of the stone increases by one percentage point, the energy consumption of the equipment will increase by approximately 12%. Therefore, if you want to save energy consumption, then workers must appropriately control the moisture content of raw materials, and can take some measures to optimize the quality of raw materials.
Then the measures that should be taken are: 
1. Strictly control the quality of the materials to avoid affecting later production;
2. Assume some drainage facilities to improve the drainage capacity of the site and reduce the moisture content of the materials as much as possible, thereby improving the working efficiency of the asphalt mixer. Save fuel consumption of asphalt mixing station;
3. Control the size of stone.
Second, choose the appropriate fuel for the asphalt mixing plant.
Choosing the right fuel is critical to improving combustion efficiency. Most fuels on the market today include: liquid fuels, gaseous fuels, and solid fuels. In comparison, gas has high combustion efficiency, high calorific value, and is relatively stable. The disadvantage is that the cost is higher, so it is often used in small and medium-sized asphalt mixing plants. Solid fuel has poor stability, can easily cause accidents, and is difficult to control its temperature, so it is rarely used. Liquid fuel has high calorific value, low impurity content, good controllability, and relatively cheap cost.
Third, adjust the fuel atomization state of the asphalt mixing station.
The atomization effect of fuel is also closely related to energy consumption issues. Therefore, maintaining a good atomization state will improve fuel usage efficiency. Normally, the manufacturer will adjust the atomization state of the mixer in advance, but after using it for a period of time, it will be affected by impurities, so the staff of the asphalt mixing station should install a filter to ensure a good atomization state.