Summary of common problems in construction quality of asphalt mixing stations
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Summary of common problems in construction quality of asphalt mixing stations
Release Time:2024-05-31
During the construction process of pavement engineering, due to the complexity of the engineering situation, there are many kinds of problems that may occur. Among them, the asphalt mixing station is the key equipment in this project, so it should be paid enough attention to. Let’s take a look at the problems you may encounter.
According to the experience of construction cases in our country over the years, the operation of asphalt mixing stations will be affected by many factors. In order to promote the quality of asphalt projects, we will analyze it based on the experience of electric flat truck production and construction, and find out The causes of some problems during the construction process are provided to provide you with some practical experience.
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For example, a common problem during the construction of equipment is the output problem. Since this problem will directly affect the construction period of the project and many other aspects, after analysis, it was found that there may be several reasons for the unstable output or low efficiency of the asphalt mixing station. Now I will share it with you.
1. The ratio of raw materials is unreasonable. Raw materials are the first step in production. If the ratio of raw materials is unreasonable, it will affect subsequent project construction and cause problems such as a decrease in construction quality. The target mix ratio is to control the proportion of cold material transportation of sand and gravel, and should be adjusted based on the actual situation during production. If problems with the coordination are found, reasonable adjustments should be made to ensure the output of the asphalt mixing station.
2. The fuel combustion value is insufficient. In order to ensure construction quality, the quality of combustion oil should be selected and used in accordance with specified standards. Otherwise, if you choose to burn diesel, heavy diesel or heavy oil for cheap, it will seriously affect the heating capacity of the drying barrel, resulting in low output of the asphalt mixing station.
3. The discharge temperature is uneven. As we all know, the temperature of the discharge material will have an important impact on the quality of the material. If the temperature is too high or too low, these materials will not be used normally and become waste. This will not only seriously waste the production cost of the asphalt mixing plant, but also affect its production output.