What are the characteristics of the use process of bitumen emulsion equipment?
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What are the characteristics of the use process of bitumen emulsion equipment?
Release Time:2023-12-18
How much do you know about the related applications of bitumen emulsion equipment? As a manufacturer specializing in the production of asphalt equipment, what is the production process of our bitumen emulsion equipment? Next, our staff will give you a brief explanation.
What are the characteristics of the use process of bitumen emulsion equipment_1What are the characteristics of the use process of bitumen emulsion equipment_2
The surface tensions of bitumen and water in bitumen emulsion plant are very different, and they are not miscible with each other at normal or high temperatures. However, when the bitumen emulsion equipment is subjected to mechanical action such as high-speed centrifugation, shearing, and impact, the bitumen emulsion plant turns into particles with a particle size of 0.1~5 μm and is dispersed into the water medium containing surfactant. Since the emulsifier can directional adsorption On the surface of bitumen emulsion equipment particles, the interfacial tension between water and bitumen is reduced, allowing the bitumen particles to form a stable dispersion system in water. Bitumen emulsion equipment is an oil-in-water emulsion. This dispersion system is brown in color, with bitumen as the dispersed phase and water as the continuous phase, and has good fluidity at room temperature.
The above is the relevant content of bitumen emulsion plant. If you want to know more exciting information, please feel free to consult our staff in time.